This is a Seeburg 3WA wallbox that was commercially modified. Two speakers have been added at the ends of the buttons selection assembly and the light bulbs that illuminated the buttons were disconnected.
This was an aftermarket WICO kit professionally installed. In all my time as a collector I have only seen three of these. THEY ARE VERY RARE.
The number selector assembly was modified to allow the installation of a three circuit volume control system; Hi, Medium and Low. There are then two spaces in the middle where the studs were cut back and the last five studs were re-wired 1 thru 5 (instead of 6 thru 0).
The wiring in the credit unit was modified to accommodate the speaker wiring. Originally wired to work with a constant voltage speaker system (70 volts) we modified it to work with an 8 ohm speaker system (standard home stereo or theatre system). The wiring with the original modification for a constant voltage speaker system is left intact but disconnected.
The outcome of this modification is that although it was originally a 200 selection 3WA it is now a 100 selection 3WA, the last 100 selections eliminated.
This wallbox was thoroughly washed with hot water and degreasing detergent. There is no nicotine residue. The unit was tested and makes all proper 100 selections. This unit is ready to be connected to a jukebox with the proper stepper or can be connected to an ipod or any home stereo with the Data Sync Wallbox Player System.
This wallbox is complete with coin equipment and makes ONE PLAY for a DIME and THREE PLAYS for a Quarter. Installed on this wallbox is a FREE PLAY TOGGLE SWITCH. When turned on to FREE PLAY the unit will not require any coins. It will continue to make selections until the toggle switch is turned to the “COIN” position. To return the unit to coin play, turn the toggle switch to the off position immediately after making a selection. This will return the unit to the “home” position (buttons do not latch) as opposed to the “credit” position (buttons latch).
The cover has been beautifully rechromed and is modified with speaker grills.
Front dome is plexiglass with Seeburg decal “WALL-O-MATIC”.
Original Seeburg lock and key.
We can email a PDF of the service manual if requested.
We have over 40 years experience working with Jukeboxes and Wallboxes, specializing in AMI, ROCKOLA (ROCK-OLA), Seeburg and Wurlitzer Jukeboxes and Wallboxes.