This is a WURLITZER 5210 wallbox, made from 1956-58 and has the very sought after dual coin entry. (Early 1956 models had white/black buttons and are extremely rare and collectible). It was specifically used with the classic W-2000 and W-2100 jukeboxes. It will also work with any 200 play Wurlitzer thru the 2800 series.
It was thoroughly washed with hot water and degreasing detergent. There is no nicotine residue. The unit has been tested and makes all proper 200 selections.
It has been connected to the Data Sync Wallbox Player System and works perfectly. This is the highly sought after wallbox that accepts half dollars, quarters, nickels and dimes. A service manual can be included if you are interested and a pdf file will be emailed to you.
THIS WALLBOX IS ALL ORIGINAL with the exception of the cover which has been re-chromed. It is SHOW QUALITY chrome.
The pages have the OLD style number/letter system, covered with ORIGINAL WURLITZER NEW style stickers.
Also included are reproduction title headings (OLD FAVORITES, TOP TUNES, etc) if you would like to and add these to the pages. See pictures.
The slug rejector takes all coins (Nickels, Dimes and Quarters and half dollars. It is presently set on ONE PLAY for two nickels or a Dime, THREE PLAYS for a quarter. This was the factory setting.
I have also wired a FREE PLAY switch when turned on will move the wallbox to the "credit position" (buttons will latch) and allow the wallbox to make selections without having to deposit a coin. Switch it the off position immediately after making a selection and the wallbox will return to the "home" position (buttons don't latch). This is outside the wallbox so it is not necessary to open the wallbox to use it. If you do not want it you can disconnect it.
Original lock and key included.