This is a SEEBURG JUKEBOX WALLBOX that was cleaned and completely mechanically restored in working condition.
All new and correct light bulbs.
The cover was painted by an operator in the 1960’s and this is what it looked like on location with Sea Foam green paint. There are parts of the paint that shows signs of wear. See pictures. If requested another cover can be substituted.
It was thoroughly washed with hot water and degreasing detergent. There is no nicotine or tar residue. The unit was tested and makes all proper 200 selections. This unit is ready to be connected to a jukebox with the proper stepper or can be connected to an ipod or any home stereo with the Data Sync Wallbox Player System.
This wallbox is presently set for FREE PLAY. There is a coin tray so it can be used as a bank. Coins will simply fall thru to the bottom of the wallbox. There is no slug rejector or credit unit. MAKE ANY SELECTION (two upper windows green) illuminate. Press a letter and a number for all selections.
This wallbox is for the person that wants a completely restored wallbox and does not want to deal with coins.
We can email a PDF of the service manual if requested
We have over 40 years experience working with Jukeboxes and Wallboxes, specializing in AMI, ROCKOLA (ROCK-OLA), Seeburg and Wurlitzer Jukeboxes and Wallboxes.
Any questions please ask before purchasing as there are NO returns on this item. This item is owned by GoodStuffNowLLC