Please note that most of the wallboxes listed here are sold and should be used as examples of how you would like your wallbox to look. We can meet your budget and style needs, simply let us know what you want and we will customize to fit your look and budget.
Returns are accepted on all items within 10 days of purchase provided they are in the same condition as they were when they were shipped to you. Buyers are responsible for all shipping return costs and payment will be refunded in full (less shipping costs both ways) to the account of the buyer. Buyer MUST contact us before returning any items.
Return We accept Zelle, Venmo (non commercial) cash and checks. We also accept Paypal, Venmo commercial and credit cards.
When an item is sold it is either removed from the website or it will have 0.00 as a price. If for any reason an item is out of stock or no longer available and it was paid for, a refund will be issued in full to the account that was used to pay for the item.
The easiest way to contact us is through email at GoodStuffNowLLC@aol.com
or give us a call at 718-855-1499
Comments, Compliments, Complaints?
Please note that most of the wallboxes listed here are sold and should be used as examples of how you would like your wallbox to look. We can meet your budget and style needs, simply let us know what you want and we will customize to fit your look and budget.
Returns are accepted on all items within 10 days of purchase provided they are in the same condition as they were when they were shipped to you. Buyers are responsible for all shipping return costs and payment will be refunded in full (less shipping costs both ways) to the account of the buyer. Buyer MUST contact us before returning any items.
Return We accept Zelle, Venmo (non commercial) cash and checks. We also accept Paypal, Venmo commercial and credit cards.
When an item is sold it is either removed from the website or it will have 0.00 as a price. If for any reason an item is out of stock or no longer available and it was paid for, a refund will be issued in full to the account that was used to pay for the item.
The easiest way to contact us is through email at GoodStuffNowLLC@aol.com
or give us a call at 718-855-1499
Comments, Compliments, Complaints?