This is an AMI W-80 Wallbox Jukebox that that was cleaned and restored in working condition. It was thoroughly washed with hot water and degreasing detergent. There is no nicotine residue. The unit has been tested and makes all proper 80 selections. This unit is ready to be connected to a jukebox with the proper stepper or can be connected to an ipod or any home stereo with the Data Sync Wallbox Player System.
This wallbox has ORIGINAL chrome that is in VERY GOOD condition.
Original plexiglass dome.
This wallbox is set for ONE PLAY ONE NICKEL, TWO PLAYS ONE DIME and FIVE PLAYS ONE QUARTER. Original glass instruction matches. There is also a FREE PLAY toggle switch installed. When enabled the wallbox will make selections by simply making a selection. To turn off FREE PLAY immediately turn off the switch after making selection. This will allow the wallbox to return to the HOME position (Buttons do NOT latch).
If requested we can send a pdf of the manual.